Multiplayer Scrabble Game in Real Time with an Elo Type of Classification. Multi-playing and real-time letters meter with an Elo type classification
Multiplayer scrabble game in real time with an elo type of classification.
Multi-playing and real-time letters game with an Elo type classification.
In French only and on tablets (but can also walk on certain smartphones).
Please take into account that this is a BETA version, which is currently improving at the interface level.
A tutorial is not yet available but you can find a little help in the screenshots above and in the description below.
In the menu, you can:
- Select a type of game before starting the search.
- look for a player to invite him to a game, or add it to your friends list.
During the game, you can:
- Move your tokens from the easel on the tray; To do this, you click the first time on the token, and on the location of the tray a second time.
- Create your words and validate by clicking on "Play".
- Replace unwanted letters by clicking on "Change".
- Clean the tray and replace your tokens on the easel by clicking on "empty".
- The green counter indicates your turn to play and the time remaining.